Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Announcing Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement Meeting 9

The Rio Grande Valley Zeitgeist Movement will hold it's ninth general meeting on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 between 6:00-8:00 PM. We will once again be graciously hosted by Ray Perez and his family at their private apartment in Mission.

Our agenda will consist of the following:
  • The plans, flyers, posters and t-shirts for the McAllen Art Walk on Friday, January 7th.
  • The Zeitgeist Moving Forward screening details and plans, including plans for a new member orientation meeting.
  • Content and creation of a new member orientation packet of information.
  • Open discussion of any other topics that arise.
If you have not already shared your designs and ideas for these topics to our discussion group threads, then please do so at your earliest convenience. Some of you have already shared your work and it looks very good. Please note that we are focusing on advertising our upcoming screenings, so please have that information incorporated into your fliers and other material you plan to distribute or display at the upcoming Art Walk.

As noted previously, we will be at the Pueblo de Paz apartment complex, which is 3401 N. Mayberry, in Apt. 1227. We will be asking once again for anyone who is able to bring a snack or beverage to share with others. Thank you for your time and attention, and I hope to see you there!

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